That's right, apparently, we live in the ghetto. We had been warned by our neighbor that there have been a few cars broken in to. So Will has a talk with me about locking the car and making sure to clean it up and put the Ipod away at all times. Never to let valuables be seen. But seriously, that kinda stuff happens, but not to us.
I woke up 17 minutes late today and I showered and got ready in record time! I dash out the door and as I am putting my bags in the backseat, I notice that the driver door is not closed right. No big deal, I thought, I just hope the car turns on. I open the driver side door and reach to put my purse on the passenger seat and I am like, "WTF, who threw my stuff all over my seat?" I did cuss in my head because I was a little annoyed. I mean, how rude!
So then it dawns on me, car was broken into. I run inside and whisperingly yell to Will that my car was broken into. (Cole was still asleep.) There are no visible signs of a forced entry but my Ipod, some change, and the radar detector are taken. My stubbs with socials and checking account deposit slips are thrown everywhere. The garage door opener is there (praise him) and so is Cole's carseat. I am kinda a Junior Detective and I have a hunch that the thieves are young because they did not see the value in my carseat. It was expensive-those idiots! So I'm like "hah" and I was telling the gals at work and they said "well they're trying to be stealth like-carseats are big". Oooh. I hadn't thought about that. So, we no longer have any leads.
Actually, we do have leads but I can't tell you about them because that could hinder the investigation.
Just kidding, I always wanted to say that. But I think they do have some leads or video but I wasn't really paying attention to what Will was saying. I am sooo ADD! Something about a "consent to search, video, 5 other breakins in the area",....I can't remember-it was information overload. System down now.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Pumpkin Patch Visitors 2
We visited the Pumpkin Patch again this weekend. It was such a nice day. Cole was running up and down the pumpkin aisles and we were able to get a picture of him. He was all excited to be eating "cookie" which was really a huge chewy Sweet Tart. I guess it did look like a purple cookie.

What a sweet boy-he shares!
What a sweet boy-he shares!
Monday, October 20, 2008
A dog day,...
We were getting in our car Sunday afternoon to go to Mimi's and Will tells me there's something I have to see. It's our yappy, nippy chihuahuas, who have long been banished outside. I probably don't need to say more than they're chihuahua, we all know their temperament and ever since Cole came along, things have been rough. We didn't take them out until after Bailey had attacked Cole at least 3 times-so see-we are understanding! See if you can find them in the first picture....
Then, Shadow says "screw this, I'm outta here," and she finds that she can escape.
Well, we were on to her like white on rice and we fixed that gap in the fence right then and there.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Little Turd
OMG! That's all I can say right now! My son is a little freaking turd! He's horrible! He grunts at us when we we don't grant his every wish, he throws tantrums and cries and whines. As soon as I walk in the door from work, he says "hand", and then pulls me to the door repeating, "shide, fia, shide, fia". Terrible Two Translation: Oustide, Afuera.
So mommy calmly tells him that mommy looks hot right now so let's go change into mommy clothes and then we can go outside. He starts screaming and crying and throwing himslef to the floor. It's just wonderful, and I get to go through it all freaking night!
Because it doesn't stop there. Going right or not running into the street is another tantrum. Coming inside is another one. Wanting to take a bath, and asking for "totilla/leche/mil/appo juice/rice/showa/no night night/vroom vroom/bye bye" are all tantrums as well. This is every freaking night lately. How many times did I say "freaking"-probably not freaking enough!
So mommy calmly tells him that mommy looks hot right now so let's go change into mommy clothes and then we can go outside. He starts screaming and crying and throwing himslef to the floor. It's just wonderful, and I get to go through it all freaking night!
Because it doesn't stop there. Going right or not running into the street is another tantrum. Coming inside is another one. Wanting to take a bath, and asking for "totilla/leche/mil/appo juice/rice/showa/no night night/vroom vroom/bye bye" are all tantrums as well. This is every freaking night lately. How many times did I say "freaking"-probably not freaking enough!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
City Living
Will's parent's neighbors have moved out of their home. We were sad to see them leave, but they were "getting on in years" as she has Alzheimers and he decided it was too much house for just himself so he moved to a retirement community.
We had been pondering purchasing the house and putting ours on the market as he had offered it to us for a steal. Well, they had an estate auction today and Will and I got a steal on an antique armoire and hutch/buffet. Let me give credit where it's deserved-it's our Christmas gift from Mimi. There had been talk about them auctioning the house right then and there and they did. We were so bummed but it just wasn't the right time for us. Mimi was bummed too, she was so tempted to get it herself. But nobody did because we are not the Rockefellers people!
I had already envisioned the changes we would make and the updating we would do. But I guess a house in the city doesn't work well with the acreage I'd like. So good thing He intervened.
We had been pondering purchasing the house and putting ours on the market as he had offered it to us for a steal. Well, they had an estate auction today and Will and I got a steal on an antique armoire and hutch/buffet. Let me give credit where it's deserved-it's our Christmas gift from Mimi. There had been talk about them auctioning the house right then and there and they did. We were so bummed but it just wasn't the right time for us. Mimi was bummed too, she was so tempted to get it herself. But nobody did because we are not the Rockefellers people!
I had already envisioned the changes we would make and the updating we would do. But I guess a house in the city doesn't work well with the acreage I'd like. So good thing He intervened.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thankful before Thanksgiving
I got home late from work today. I actually left work to do an etiquette presentation for a Girl Scouts troop. We had a blast but I was just exhausted when I got home. Just when I thought things couldn't possibly get worse, Gloria (Yaya) tells me that she is giving me her 2 weeks notice.
WTF just happened!!!
My head is spinning but everyone who knows me knows I don't cry (in public) or hug (just Cole and Will) or say mushy-feelings kinds of things. So I calmly (because heaven forbid I let someone so special know just how special she is) ask her why. For you to understand her reason, you must first know the story:
Last night I had come home late from a Junior League meeting. I was kinda hungry and decided to go get Whataburger. Then I scratched the idea because Will was too tired to go and I was too tired to go so I decide to eat my leftovers from Mimi's Cafe. It was from Tuesday. I looked in the fridge and it was gone. So I ask Gloria where where it was and she told me she had eaten it. I was a little bummed, and Will was irritated that he might have to make a trip to Whataburger. Well, she sensed that, but most of all she sensed that Will was upset, and Will never gets upset.
She felt horrible and it is my understanding that she cried about it all night. There were a million things going through her head including we were getting fed up with her and she was hurt and ashamed and can you blame her?
My heart is breaking to think that our carelessness has caused someone so much pain because more than anything, she felt lonely. I try to live by that which I teach: kindness, courtesy, respect, and consideration and I think that in that moment, I lived by none of those.
So tonight, Will and I asked Yaya for forgiveness and she cried her little heart out that she was sorry too. For what I don't know....
Yaya has been with us for over a year now, and much of that time I was at home with her so we have become close. I hurt my friend today and though she has forgiven me, I have not forgiven myself.
I couldn't imagine her not in our lives, and she is a jewel with Cole. Had we lost her, I would have had to quit my job. I was home with her and Cole for eight months and when I left him in her care, I knew he was safe - and loved.
But she's staying on and we are happy and grateful.
WTF just happened!!!
My head is spinning but everyone who knows me knows I don't cry (in public) or hug (just Cole and Will) or say mushy-feelings kinds of things. So I calmly (because heaven forbid I let someone so special know just how special she is) ask her why. For you to understand her reason, you must first know the story:
Last night I had come home late from a Junior League meeting. I was kinda hungry and decided to go get Whataburger. Then I scratched the idea because Will was too tired to go and I was too tired to go so I decide to eat my leftovers from Mimi's Cafe. It was from Tuesday. I looked in the fridge and it was gone. So I ask Gloria where where it was and she told me she had eaten it. I was a little bummed, and Will was irritated that he might have to make a trip to Whataburger. Well, she sensed that, but most of all she sensed that Will was upset, and Will never gets upset.
She felt horrible and it is my understanding that she cried about it all night. There were a million things going through her head including we were getting fed up with her and she was hurt and ashamed and can you blame her?
My heart is breaking to think that our carelessness has caused someone so much pain because more than anything, she felt lonely. I try to live by that which I teach: kindness, courtesy, respect, and consideration and I think that in that moment, I lived by none of those.
So tonight, Will and I asked Yaya for forgiveness and she cried her little heart out that she was sorry too. For what I don't know....
Yaya has been with us for over a year now, and much of that time I was at home with her so we have become close. I hurt my friend today and though she has forgiven me, I have not forgiven myself.
I couldn't imagine her not in our lives, and she is a jewel with Cole. Had we lost her, I would have had to quit my job. I was home with her and Cole for eight months and when I left him in her care, I knew he was safe - and loved.
But she's staying on and we are happy and grateful.
Friday, October 10, 2008
I've been Missing in Action for a while now, I know. I have kinda overwhelmed myself with everything that I have going on but I love it!
Things have been so hectic lately and I have been busier than I ever thought I would be that Will and I had discussed quitting teaching. Somehow though the week is over and then I tell myself that the holidays are almost upon us. Time is flying by!
We have Dias Festivos coming up and this is the time of year we kick it into high gear for December marketplace. I am the Public Relations Assistant Chair, I will be coordinating their Tea with Santa event, and I will be showcasing my designs there as well. On top of that, I am a Special Ed teacher and the season for meetings and paperwork has started. It's not really a season, it's the whole year. Then, just when I thought I couldn't possibly handle anything else, I have 3 etiquette jobs this month! Kinda freaking out right now. Breathe, Vann, breathe.
Things have been so hectic lately and I have been busier than I ever thought I would be that Will and I had discussed quitting teaching. Somehow though the week is over and then I tell myself that the holidays are almost upon us. Time is flying by!
We have Dias Festivos coming up and this is the time of year we kick it into high gear for December marketplace. I am the Public Relations Assistant Chair, I will be coordinating their Tea with Santa event, and I will be showcasing my designs there as well. On top of that, I am a Special Ed teacher and the season for meetings and paperwork has started. It's not really a season, it's the whole year. Then, just when I thought I couldn't possibly handle anything else, I have 3 etiquette jobs this month! Kinda freaking out right now. Breathe, Vann, breathe.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Updated Site
If you haven't' already, please check our site regularly. I just finished updating the pricing, FAQ, Paper Finishes page, and the About Me page. What are ya waiting for? Check them out!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sweet Nothings between a Mother and Son...
Boy Birth Announcements
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Cole's newest word
We are definitely not proud of it but g-damnit everytime Cole says it we can't help but laugh.
It was after work and I was sitting on the floor in the kitchen with Cole. He starts in with his usual "shide" because he wants to go outside. I distract him and then he runs away screaming "shoes shoes, shoes". He brings his shoes to where I am and as he is standing he is trying to put his feet into his frocks (fake crocks-remember I only buy generic). He struggles for a few minutes and then he kicks his shoe off and yells, "Godamnit!"
Oh oh...I can't beleive I would let it slip but I must have because he's saying it now.
He won and got to go outside and as Will was bringing him in later he was saying, "no, godamnit!"
It was after work and I was sitting on the floor in the kitchen with Cole. He starts in with his usual "shide" because he wants to go outside. I distract him and then he runs away screaming "shoes shoes, shoes". He brings his shoes to where I am and as he is standing he is trying to put his feet into his frocks (fake crocks-remember I only buy generic). He struggles for a few minutes and then he kicks his shoe off and yells, "Godamnit!"
Oh oh...I can't beleive I would let it slip but I must have because he's saying it now.
He won and got to go outside and as Will was bringing him in later he was saying, "no, godamnit!"
Today's Headline
I had a bad feeling, I should have gone with my gut!
Will's dad, Bob, calls us yesterday afternoon and asks if we'd like to join him and some friends to celebrate a birthday. It's not Bob's birthday, it's one of his friends but his friends have been around for years and they're pretty much like family. He mentions the birthday man's name and it doesn't sound familiar. Bob assures us it's fine to go so we assume that it will be the usual crowd.
I feel kinda strange about going because Lady Etiquette is in my head saying "You don't remember the guest of honor, and you weren't personally invited by the host or guest of honor. Stay home."
We show up anyway. We walk into the restaurant and immediately we see a few couples who look the Winter Texan variety. Must be another party, so we walk a few more feet and spot Bob, talking to a man in his 80's. All heads look up at the young "whipper snappers"; Bob's the only familiar face in the place.
Today's headline read something like this:
Will's dad, Bob, calls us yesterday afternoon and asks if we'd like to join him and some friends to celebrate a birthday. It's not Bob's birthday, it's one of his friends but his friends have been around for years and they're pretty much like family. He mentions the birthday man's name and it doesn't sound familiar. Bob assures us it's fine to go so we assume that it will be the usual crowd.
I feel kinda strange about going because Lady Etiquette is in my head saying "You don't remember the guest of honor, and you weren't personally invited by the host or guest of honor. Stay home."
We show up anyway. We walk into the restaurant and immediately we see a few couples who look the Winter Texan variety. Must be another party, so we walk a few more feet and spot Bob, talking to a man in his 80's. All heads look up at the young "whipper snappers"; Bob's the only familiar face in the place.
Today's headline read something like this:
Lady Etiquette and Husband Crash Birthday Party
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