Take a look in the closet and den, glistening once again
With fancy games and silver cars aglow...
Before I get into that, let me just say that Christmas is 3 months away and just this week I looked up at our roof and got upset that 2 months ago we took the partially hung Christmas lights down. We had never finished hanging them and I suppose it would not have hurt to just leave them up a few months longer. Ghetto, yes. Laughed at by every single friend that visited, yes. Will they ever be hung again, sadly, no!
So anyway, enough sidetracking A-D-D girl, focus. FOCUUSSSS! and I'm back...
We had another unfinished project in our bedroom. We got an armoire a few months back (probably around the time we took the lights down...) and it sat in our bedroom. We never quite made the whole tv, dvd switch. So Sunday, when Cole was away with Mimi, we tackled it. We quickly hit a snag. I was ready to throw the towel in, until next summer at least but Will wanted to plow on. {What a slave driver!} We had to relocate last years Christmas and birthday gifts that we never actually gifted Cole. He just has so many toys that frankly, I just don't have the energy to give them to him so that he can dump Mr. Potato Head and his 3 million parts in his wagon and then sprinkle them around the house. Seriously, where would I find the time? During blogging sessions. {I don't think so Mr!}
So we decided to just relocate them to the play room. They are gifts from friends and family and I feel guilty selling them on Ebay and they are some pretty fantastic gifts. So then I had this brilliant idea to wrap 'em up and give them to him for Christmas from Santa, or us. (You so know we'll take the credit.) Then I thought how totally wrong that would be. So I stuffed them into the closet... and under the bed... and in Max's big ass crate.

I think this year we are feeling very generous. Friends and family, this is a tasting of what you'll find under your tree from The Egglestons (because though we have found a church we have yet to be saved):
Mickey Mouse bowling set
Leap Frog Magnetic Letters
Leap Frog Alphabet-IN SPANISH-can I get a WOOHOO!
Mr. Potato Head (and his 3 million pieces-yay for you!)
Handy Manny Transforming Tool Table
and some other nice little surprises. You lucky dogs you. In return for your wonderful gifts, you could come help me hang our lights. We promise we'll never take them down:(
Just for the record, we will eventually give the gifts to Cole. If you are a dear friend who happened to gift one of these to Cole, we love them, we are thankful, but we need to give them to him little by little. Sorry, you won't be getting them back under your tree:(
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