I am so excited about the weekend plans!!!! My friend Ivy, from St. Mary's University is visiting from China!!!! She moved back after graduation and I haven't seen her since graduation. She did the Cuba travel and study group with me. {Ooh, I have to post about my trip to Cuba!!!} She is squeezing me into her schedule. Super yay for me!!!
Actually, to be quite frank, she dotes on Cole. She affectionately refers to him as Little Cole. Shortly after Cole was born, she said she wanted to meet him. I always tease her because she said I should send him to her like via UPS or something. To this day I don't let her live it down. But she is like a very far away aunt that just adores Cole. And what mother wouldn't just dote on anyone who dotes on her littles? Not this one. She always asks after Cole, before even asking after me and it's so nice to be invited to talk about your littles. Usually, I have to steal opportunities to talk about Cole...
Really. I'll be at the supermarket and somehow I can manage to walk out having told 3 people a funny story about Cole. Ok, that's exaggerating, but I am one of those annoying people that you want to roll your eyes at and ask to shut up. Yeah, I'm that mom. Thanks for not bitch slapping me everyone:)
So, my point is that I get to see Ivy and she won't bitch slap me. Yay for me!
The picture above was taken in Cuba, at the house of Ernest Hemingway in front of his boat. I totally forgot we went there...
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