Sunday, December 20, 2009

Santa Pictures

Cole had Santa pictures at school last week. Or maybe it was 2 weeks ago. Oh, yes, it was 2 weeks ago. I had the pleasure of helping his school with the pictures. Which meant that this clingy mom could stick around and make sure her sweet baby boy got some good pictures with Santa. In theory, at least. It probably would have been beneficial to have gotten to sleep before 3 am so that I can wake up on time therefore show up on time. But really? That just  makes too much sense to actually do. So we were running late. Not just one day, but both days. Which meant that Cole didn't get his good clothes washed, which meant that his ok clothes had not been ironed, and that his hair would not get combed. I think, though I am not quite positive, that I may have remembered to brush his teeth. Or I may have not remembered. Again, I was tired. Running on little sleep, and I may or may not have remembered to brush my own hair. {I did brush my teeth though, not to worry.}

So on Day 1 I didn't even try because I am a procrastinator and I thrive off of knowing that there will be another chance:

Now, by the looks of it, Santa is not very happy. Perhaps I didn't brush his teeth. He does look a little standoff-ish. Also, Cole never did smile. Now, his clothes came out better in the picture than I remembered. So kuddos to me.

On Day 2, we did much better. But that was a total fluke. He spent the night at Nana's and this was how she returned him to me. In better condition than she had received him. So kuddos to her. And many thanks to Kandi, Cole's cousin, whose jeans he is wearing. I loved them so much I went out and got a pair at JCPenney, you know the place. The one where our car was stolen, but not really....

And then, I was so excited that he was actually engaging Santa in conversation, telling him what he wanted for Christmas and this beautiful moment was ruined enhanced by I'm not sure, maybe small metal cars snuck into his Pee Pee Pocket (if you got the family Christmas card, it would make sense.)

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