Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cole starts Kindergarten tomorrow!

Dear Cole,

You start Kindergarten tomorrow. Tomorrow! I am trying really really hard to keep it together. And for the most part I have.

We met your teacher Friday afternoon and she's sweet. I really like her. She reminds me a lot of me. And just between you and I, I envy her so much right now. The majority of your days will be spent with her. So I am doing a lot of praying for her that she is able to set a fine example for you and your classmates.

I love you Buddy. And although I am a wreck about tomorrow I know you will do awesome! Sister and I will miss you terribly and will be anxiously watching the clock for it to tell us it's time to go get you and bring you home. To the chaos. To the bliss. To the hot chocolate and Polar Express. To swimming at Mimi's. To Tai Kwon Do with Kaindan and Tata. To reading stories with Mom and Dad. To bedtimes in our bed. To cartoons and Lucky Charms. Then back to school again so we can do it all over again.

And because I know you worry about me, I will be ok. The crying is temporary. Much like the vomiting I experienced with your brother and sister when they were growing in my belly. You're growing too now and it hurts a little and it's uncomfortable, but it will be so worth it. I promise. And Mommy never makes you a promise she can't keep;)

I love you all way to Jesus.

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