No beach trip would be compete without:
1.) Daddy

Well, I've been dying to go and take Cole because he's never been. I know, it's sad, we've never taken him. But just for the record, Will and I have had romantic getaways there;)...
So we finally went. Got some great pictures, ate some great food, and spent some fun family time together. I am only posting a few pictures because I am working on something BIG for Father's Day and since my dear snugglebug reads the blog I don't want to give the surprise away!
Mom joined us to be our "photographer" because I wanted some great shots, which we got. See post Kisses that Melt, the rest I'd like to work with for Father's Day and to doctor them up like the pros for framing on our own walls. Let me just clarify, I am not a professional nor do I wish to be, if you want a professional photographer, look for Melissa Rodriguez' blog on the right,-her work is fantastic! Now she is a pro-and a sweetheart too! She gave me some good advice and I think they turned out great. Thank you Melissa!

You're welcome! :-) I'm glad the photos turned out great! The ones you posted are so cute..all except that one of the "egg" on the forehead! Poor baby! Can't wait to see the Daddy's Day surprise!