Monday, September 14, 2009

The Hunt is Over - We found a church!

I might just be saved after all. In a post some time back I posted about my church shopping. Hadn't had any luck and the whole time the right church was right under my nose! A few months back I joined MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). So what is MOPS you ask?

MOPS helps moms through relationships established in the context of local groups that provide a caring atmosphere for today's mother of young children.

Well, I joined because I concerned that Cole was not getting any social interaction at home with just me. Not to mention the days were getting long and my husband was growing tired of me calling him at 10 in the morning just to "talk" - COMPLAIN.

Anyway, I met so many women whose faith inspired me and I was surprised to learn that though they were very faith based now, they weren't always so. I just kinda thought that all women who were strong in their faith were probably raised in very religious households. It was hard to imagine that they grew closer to Him as they grew older. But most of all, I wanted to bve like them. I wanted to have the relationship with God that they had. So my search began.

I mentioned before that I was raised Catholic and my mom is a very devout Catholic. I had hunted for Catholic churches and to be quite frank, I wasn't liking any of them. This is pretty much how every church visit would go:

arrive with toddler in tow
go to nursery
stay in nursery
chase toddler around so he doesn't run a muck everywhere
move toddler from all candles and plants
walk outside with screaming toddler who wants to play with candles and plants
give toddler lollipop to quiet him down
walk inside with sticky happy toddler
listen to other toddlers screaming and crying

So, Catholic churches have nurseries, but you have to stay in there with them and watch the sermon through a glass window. So not really any fun and we actually leave swearing. Not good. Not good at all.

So then I found out that other churches (religions) have nurseries. What???? And nobody shared this with me? So the hunt began.

When I parked at Baptist Temple (BT) an 8 seater golf cart drove up and asked if we needed a ride. Uh, like no but we'd like one. Yippee! They drove us 10 feet to the Children's Building. THEY HAVE A WHOLE CHILDREN'S BUILDING! We walked in and there were 4 kiosks with computers and little printers and then they gave us a pager number. "Uh, what's this for?" It is so that if there is a problem or concern with your tike, they flash the number on the wallls of the church so you can go attend to them. Sold. I'm like, sign me up. Take my kid! His name is Cole.

When I picked him up, they had given him snacks. Goldfish and milk. He'd also made a little picture for me. I think it was Noah's ark, supposed to be Noah's ark.

Oh yeah, the sermon was fantastic. I actually listened. The music is upbeat and they have words for people who like to sing but can't sing worth a crap so in an audience full of people you sound fantastic and I was able to sing my little lungs out. Aside from that, everytime I have gone (3 times baby) I have had a tear or two start running down my cheek. I get it! I finally get it! It's not at all intimidating to go. So, I am excited about this new chapter in our lives.

Our MOPS meetings are held at Baptist Temple. There are many women in MOPS that are members of BT but most practice other religions. I was surprised to learn that a very large percentage of the members at Baptist Temple were actually Catholics. Are actually Catholics. We don't tend to completely switch over-our parents would kill us and our forefathers would turn over in their graves.

But for now, my search for a church has come to an end. Now if only I could get hubby to go with us....

If you are at all interested in Baptist Temple, and can't make the times or are not from McAllen, you can always watch the sermon on the BT website here.

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